Spring is here! For many, that means spring cleaning time. In our house, we plan to open up the windows and clean every room from top to bottom. This includes clearing out cabinets, closets and drawers. With the new upgrades Daniel and I have been making to the house, we will probably have old paint, solvents, medicines and other waste that I would think twice about before throwing it in the trash. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recycling and Litter Prevention, the average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of hazardous waste. Luckily, there is a place to bring these items that will be disposed of properly! By getting rid of your household hazardous waste in an eco-friendly way, you are ensuring the safety of our waste haulers, avoiding accidental poisonings and preventing hazardous waste from being poured down the drain, which could eventually get into our clean water supply.
Residents of
Hamilton County can take advantage of their
Household Hazardous Drop-Off Program that runs from April 10-October 16, 2010. Participants much show proof of residency when dropping these items off.
Household hazardous waste can be dropped off at:
Clean Harbors
4879 Spring Grove Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45232
Tuesdays - 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturdays - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Closed the following Saturdays: May 29, July 3, September 4
Acceptable items include:
- Pesticides/Fertilizers
- Solvents/Thinners
- Lawn/Pool Chemicals
- Cleaners
- Household/Auto Batteries
- Fire Extinguishers
- Propane Tanks
- Oil-based paint
- Mercury
- Fluorescent Bulbs
- Driveway Sealer
- Gasoline/Motor Oil
- Antifreeze
- Thermostats
Please note that latex paint is not accepted in this program. It is safe to throw away with regular trash as long as it is in solid form. Dry out the paint by mixing it with kitty litter, saw dust or sand and leave the lid off to show your waste hauler that it is dry.
Butler County Residents, your drop-off program will resume in June. Please visit
Butler County Recycling and Solid Waste District for more information.
Do your part and dispose of these materials in an environmentally responsible way!
For all you Cleveland readers out there, visit Cuyahoga County's Solid Waste District website to find out about hazardous waste drop-off sites in your area.
Here's another good website with more information about household hazardous waste. It is the EPA.