Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Start Earth Month Off Right: Plant a Tree!

"I hear the wind among the trees
Playing the celestial symphonies;
I see the branches downward bent,
Like keys of some great instrument."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I have always loved trees - climbing in them, swinging from their branches, hugging them, relaxing in their shade. Palm trees, oak trees, evergreens, maple trees, redwoods, any kind of tree, I have a great admiration and respect for. Trees provide shade, shelter, food, recreation, oxygen, resources and solace. I couldn't think of a better way to kick off Earth Month than by giving back and planting a tree. The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County is hosting a free tree giveaway this Friday, April 1. Check out at least one item from any of their locations and receive a free tree seedling as long as supplies last. The giveaway is sponsored by the Ohio Valley Forestry Fellowship and the Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati and Vicinity. Visit their program calendar for more details.

This is a 200+ year old oak tree I saw in Jacksonville, Florida. It's branches stretched so far they rested on the ground and came back up, looking like an entirely different tree.

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